Snuggle Up, Cuddle Up, Get Away.

The first chills of winter have arrived but not in our super insulated and cosy treehouses with underfloor heating and wood burner. From the super-comfy king-size bed, you can look out at the wildlife in the trees -


and from the living room, beyond the trees - the rolling hills of Devon and onto Putsborough beach only half a mile away. Voted one of Britain’s finest beaches, this time of year brings the mighty breakers that bring surfers from all over the country.


It doesn't stop there, imagine having Christmas or New Year here!

We’re opening up the main house for as many as 27 of you to enjoy being together, whether it’s old friends or (even older) family. You’ll have more space than you know what to do with.

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If you have any questions don't hesitate to get in touch.

T: +01271 890110 E: