All set up and ready to go, the tables were sprinkled with real petals and gave the room a gorgeous aroma.
The ushers brought the flowers back from the church and they looked amazing in the hallway.
On to the food, I was gutted as I forgot to photograph the other courses but thankfully managed to catch the pudding, Iced mango parfait, I know it looks like ice cream but when you put it in your mouth it is an amazing explosion of fresh tangy mango, delicious (one of my favourites!)
Then speeches in the Italian garden gave a wondrefully relaxed feel with coffee and Lee's home made fudge afterwards on the terrace, everyone was superly relaxed.
They had a brillant idea of doing a message tree instead of a guest book, each guest had a little tag at the table and then hung their messages on the tree.
Flip flops anyone! Everyone hopped into flip flops, comfy and ready to hit the dance floor.