Pickwell Manor

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Mrs Bretherton is a cake making genius!

Friday was the school fete and as with all school fetes there is an expectation for us mums to make a 'wonderful' cake (that you usually then promptly have to buy back). Although I love baking and my cakes are ok they have been lacking in a little bit of lift and lightness. That is until our lovely friend Caroline came to stay in May for Steve's Birthday. Caroline has been writing a book on cake baking and so had been making and trying out hundreds of cakes in the process of putting the book together (how she has kept her amazing figure we will never know!). She gave me some invaluable tips and you can see the fruit of my labours below. This was my first coffee cake that wasn't akin to a coffee pancake, I felt quite proud.

Thank you sooooooo much mrs Bretherton!

And here is her lovely book if anyone else needs some tips or delicious ideas.

And here is Mrs Baker cutting up her 'lemon tray bake', It really was delicious.

The school fete was really gorgeous, the children did a performance of their much practiced Brazilian song, I now know every word off by heart.

This is our lovely friend Bobby and her girls sporting face paint and clutching cakes, sweets and tat....the signs of a great fete.

Keith had to keep the baby in the sling for the whole fete to stop him from partaking in Tony's extremly popular but highly E numbered ice frosties. Good move Keith.

The wonderful teachers having a much earned rest after a brilliant week that included the year 1 and 2 walk to the beach, the year 2 sleep over and the year 3 treasure hunt around baggy point to name but a few fabulous activities. Thank you Amazing teachers for all your hard work!